Allergen Statement

Arthur David are committed to supporting your business become fully compliant

Pre-Requisite Requirements:

To comply with Company Health and Safety Policy and take responsibility for your actions. To report any Health and Safety concerns.

To comply with Company Personal Hygiene Policy and take responsibility for your actions.

Requirement of Procedure:

To ensure that all staff are all trained to a standard procedure.

To ensure that all staff are following the required procedures to meet hygiene and safety requirements.

To ensure that all instructions are clear and available to staff should they wish to clarify the requirements of the business.


  1. Staff to be aware of all 14 listed allergens as below. Allergen policy in the induction manual lists these also.
  • Cereals containing gluten (i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridised strains) and their products
  • Crustaceans and products thereof
  • Mollusc
  • Eggs and products thereof
  • Fish and products thereof
  • Peanuts and products thereof
  • Soybeans and products thereof
  • Milk and products thereof (including lactose)
  • Nuts (i.e. Almond (Amygdalus communis L.), Hazelnut (Corylus avellana), Walnut (Juglans regia), Cashew (Anacardium occidentale), Pecan nut (Carya illinoiesis (wangenh.) K.Koch), Brazil nut (Bertholletia excels), Pistachio nut (Pistacia vera), Macadamia nut and Queensland nut (Macadamia ternifolia)) and products thereof
  • Celery and products thereof including celeriac
  • Mustard and products thereof
  • Sesame seeds and products thereof
  • Lupin
  • Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as SO2
  1. Products to be recognised as an allergen; any spillages or damages to be dealt with immediately and effectively.
  1. Any products contaminated with the spillage to be; cleaned if in sealed packaging or disposed of if open. This is a particular issue with milk or egg breakages.
  1. Milk spillages to be cleared with water and swept into the drain.
  1. Egg breakages must be contained when found and any spillage to be cleared up with blue roll and water.
  1. Gluten free products to be packaged for delivery separately from other goods.
  1. Celery is brought in sealed packaging. As are allergenic products in the fine foods range.
  1. Celeriac must be bagged separately before adding to an order. If this is brought in bulk this is to be put into a tray liner and kept in a separate tray to the rest of the order (as per picking procedure).
  • Any spillages of allergenic products to be cleared and contained with the appropriate clean equipment. Red bin and dust pan to be used (as per procedure). The bin to be emptied after every shift.