Section 172 Statement
Last Updated: September 2023
Promoting the success of the company
The company was started by Arthur David in 1962 and celebrated its 60th anniversary during the 2022/23 financial year. The company has continued to be controlled and run by the David family over that period and is proud of the way in which it has grown, developed and provided employment, training and financial reward in the local area for both its owners and employees.
The directors believe that the long-term success of the business is linked to the promotion of five “Core Values”. It actively engages with employees to live these values of Customer Service, Quality, Excellence, Teamwork and Respect. This also drives relationships with customers, suppliers, the local community and the wider economy and world in which we operate.
The directors are always seeking to add value, improve efficiencies, control costs and grow profits and market share and aims to make decisions for the long-term future and success of the business. The company has also improved the way in which it communicates with employees in order to keep them up to date with the performance of the business.
Sustainability and social responsibility
The company is aware of its wider social responsibility to minimise waste, reducing energy usage and promote recycling and has recently set some challenging longer-term objectives around this. The directors will constantly monitor and adapt its business processes in order to hit these targets. It will ensure that the business considers the impact of its actions on the wider environment and continues to source products locally where possible.
The company continues to support local charities such as the “Billy Chip” scheme, the “Matthew Tree Project” and “Community of Purpose”. The company also sent a donation to the “Disaster Emergency Committee” to support the people of Ukraine during the ongoing conflict in early 2022.
The company has also spent time looking at longer term succession planning and the structure of the Senior Management Team with Alex Rall and Jason Skuse being promoted onto the board of directors in the year.