St Peter’s Hospice Christmas Tree Collection!

This year we are teaming up with St Peter's Hospice and helping support their annual Christmas Tree collection. It is a hugely important fundraiser, enabling them to provide comfort and care to patients and families across Bristol.
How does it work?
1 - Check if your postcode is covered on St Peter's Hospice website.
2 - Book your collection, and make a donation - St Peter's Hospice suggest £15-20 per tree, however this is completely your decision.
3 - Leave your tree outside your home by midnight on Thursday 4th January and our team of volunteers will collect it.
Collection postcodes: BS4, BS5, BS7, BS9, BS10, BS15, BS16, BS20, BS21, BS30 with a limited collection in BS41 and BS48.
Why is my postcode not on the list?
St Peter's Hospice rely on volunteer support to collect the trees, therefore they are only able to offer the collection in a limited amount of postcode areas. Each year they hope to expand on the areas they collect in, so watch this space!
How many Christmas trees can I leave out?
You can request for up to 5 Christmas trees to be collected per household.
How big can my Christmas tree be?
If you have a Christmas tree over 6 feet tall, please let St Peter's Hospice know when you make your donation.
Do I need to be at home on collection day?
No, you don't need to be at home. Just leave your Christmas tree outside your house no later than midnight on Thursday 4th January. Unfortunately, they can't be specific with which day your tree will be collected on.
What happens to the Christmas trees after collection?
You can be assured your Christmas tree will be fully recycled, once collected it will be shredded by St Peter's Hospice teams of arborists at one of the following:
1 - The Hospice Garden, a haven of peace and calm for patients and their families
2 - Local allotments
3 - By Gristwood & Toms at Blaise Plant Nursey to fuel their biomass boilers
4 - Noah's Ark Zoo farm who will use the chips for the animal sanctuaries
How does having my Christmas tree collected help the Hospice?
The donation you make to have your Christmas tree collected goes towards supporting patients and their families across the Bristol area at the most difficult of times.
1 - £20 could help fund a nurse's time on a 24 hour Advice Line ensuring patients and their loved ones can access the help they need when they need it.
2 - £45 could help a family to access much-needed bereavement support from Emotional and Psychological Support teams.
3 - £75 could pay for the visit of a Community Nurse Specialist to deliver end of life care to patients and their families.
My tree hasn’t been collected, what do I do?
If your tree has not been collected by 5pm on Saturday 6 January please get in touch with St peter's Hospice by 5pm on Monday 8th January, by emailing: to arrange recollection.
If your tree is not collected by Thursday 11th January, then unfortunately we are unable to collect it and a refund will be offered.
Can I help volunteer with the collection?
Yes! St Peter's Hospice are actively looking for volunteers to help on 5th and 6th January. If you have a van or you're good at navigating, willing to help lift some Christmas trees, and have a big smile they would love to hear from you.
If you're interested in helping, please email