Christmas Beef Wellington by Essential Cuisine

This luxurious Beef Wellington is the perfect Centrepiece for any Christmas Table!

Christmas Beef Wellington by Essential Cuisine

Preparation time
1hr 30mins

Cooking time
1hr 30mins



1kg centre cut beef fillet
250g sliced pancetta
10g Essential Cuisine Veal Glace (order code 8690)
800g puff pastry
2kg white mushrooms, washed and sliced
200ml red wine
2 shallots, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, crushed
10g Essential Cuisine Wild Mushroom Glace (order code 13192)
Salt and pepper
1 egg yolk
20ml milk



Season the beef well & seal in a hot pan until golden brown. Set aside too cool. When cool, brush with the Essential Cuisine Veal Glace.

Fry the shallots and the garlic with rosemary and thyme. Add the mushrooms, season well. Cook until the mushrooms are soft. Strain and remove the rosemary and thyme stalks. Blitz in a blender until course. Mix in the Essential Cuisine Wild Mushroom Glace and set to one side.

Roll the puff pastry out to a rectangle shape, about 1cm thick. Lay the pancetta across the centre, overlapping each slice to form a sheet. Spread evenly with the mushroom duxelle. Please the beef fillet along the centre. Roll the pastry around the beef, ensuring the ends are completely sealed.

Mix the egg yolk and the milk. Brush the outside of the pastry with the egg mix and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Brush once more with the egg wash and bake at 180°C for approx. 50 minutes.

Check the pastry is dark golden and crispy; if not, leave again for a further 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 5 minutes before carving and serving with Essential Cuisine Premier Veal Jus.