Hot Smoked Salmon Kedgeree

The perfect Festive Brunch, this Hot Smoked Salmon Kedgeree is full of deliciousness!

Hot Smoked Salmon Kedgeree


  • 50g Basmati Rice Per Person
  • 2 X Banana Shallots Chopped Finely
  • Cinnamon Stick
  • Turmeric
  • Bay Leaf
  • Cardomon Pods
  • Hot Smoked Salmon Flakes
  • Quails Eggs 2 Per Portion
  • Flat Leaf Parsley
  • 100ml Double Cream
  • Lemon Juice


  1. Gently sweat the shallots without colour for 5 mins then add the rice along with the spices continue for another few minutes and add fish stock simmer until cooked approx. 10mins.
  2. Cook the quail’s eggs for 2mins and 20sec refresh and peel.
  3. Remove the Cinnamon & bay leaf.
  4. Add the flaked salmon and quail’s eggs and a splash of lemon juice and finish with chopped parsley and cream.