Pan-fried Cornish Fish with steamed Mussels, Monks Beard and Butter Sauce

Nothing shouts summer quite like this delicious & vibrant dish using Cornish Seafood, Rainbow Chard & Monks Beard!

Pan-fried Cornish Fish with steamed Mussels, Monks Beard and Butter Sauce


1 kg Mussels
1 x Seabream
8 x Scallops
100g Rainbow Chard (code 31263)
200g Monks Beard (code 31149)
150gms butter (code 017)
2 x shallots finely diced (code 2467)
100ml white wine
1 x clove garlic (code 928)
Sprig thyme (code 2734)
1 x bay leaf (code 2724)
Rapeseed oil (code 8004)


Steamed mussels

Wash the mussels under plenty of cold, running water. Discard any open ones that won’t close when lightly squeezed.

Pull out the tough, fibrous beards protruding from between the tightly closed shells and then knock off any barnacles with a large knife. Give the mussels another quick rinse to remove any little pieces of shell

Soften the garlic and shallots in the butter with the thyme and bay in a large pan big enough to take all the mussels – it should only be half full.

Add the mussels and wine, turn up the heat, then cover and steam until open in their own juices for 3-4 minutes.

Strain the mussels keeping the liquor, add the cream to the liquor and reduce slightly add chopped parsley and remove from the heat.

Add the mussels back into the sauce.

To Prepare monks beard

Make sure you clean it properly, discarding the roots and tough bottoms and washing it thoroughly to remove any dirt and bugs.

Immerse the raw monk’s beard in ice cold water for a few minutes.

Bring a pot of water to boil, remove from heat and add the washed Monks beard, cover and let sit for a minute or two until slightly wilted.  Strain and serve with a squeeze of lemon juice.

To Prepare Rainbow Chard

Destem and keep the leaf whole

Blanch the leaf in boiling salted water, cut the stem into 2cm lozenges and cook in butter.

To Cook the fish

Lightly panfry in butter with a splash of oil and finish with lemon juice.