Sausage Roll Parcels with Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney

Easy to make and will have you begging for more!

Sausage Roll Parcels with Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney

Preparation time
15 minutes

Cooking time
20 minutes



Pinch of plain flour, for dusting
500g pack puff pastry
450g good quality pork sausage meat (or sausages with skin removed)
1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
1 small onion finely chopped
150g Tracklements Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney
Salt and pepper to season
1 egg, beaten


  1. Preheat oven to 200°C/ gas mark 6. Lightly grease 2 baking trays. Dust a little plain flour over your kitchen tops and roll the pastry (if you have bought a ready rolled pastry you will need to roll it thinner to ensure the perfect thickness) until it is approx. 30cm x 50cm. Then cut it into 15, 10cm squares. You can make them a little smaller if you want bite-sized pieces.
  2. Mix together the sausage meat (with the skin removed), parsley, onion, Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney and season with salt and pepper in a bowl.
  3. Put a dessert spoon size of the sausage mix into the centre of the pastry square you have cut.
  4. Make a parcel shape by folding the 4 corners in and seal at the top. Place onto the baking tray. When you’ve done all of the parcels, brush with beaten egg.
  5. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until cooked through and the pastry is golden brown, and leave on a cooling rack to cool.
  6. Serve and be amazed at this delicious wintery snack.